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Winter Wonderland

Winter has settled on the land, and the snow is piled three squirrels high.

Nuthatches flit to the feeders, and chickadees have begun to sing their spring song even as the shadows stretch across the yard. The light of day has begun to push back against the night, and slowly, slowly, it becomes obvious that the sunset lingers well into dinner time. Listen closely and you may even hear an optimistic cardinal singing “What cheer!” from the top of the cottonwood tree, and we all dream of warm spring days.

But while winter’s thick white blanket covers the land, there are things to be done. This is the season of Inside Work, and already statements are being stacked in preparation for tax season. Paint samples are taped on the walls, and closet purging is in full force.

On the floor are three boxes. Give Away to friends and family. Throw Away. Donate. Texts are sent containing pictures of pitchers and plates and various knick-knacks. “Do you want this?” And the younger generation texts back “No, thank you,” and the item is moved from Give Away to Donate. It is rare for the younger generation to desire anything. They have a steady stream of Amazon boxes arriving at their own doorsteps. In fact, what is MORE common now is for the parent to snoop through the child’s donation box. “What?! That is a nice sweatshirt you’re giving away. I’ll take it, even if it’s just for doing yard work.”

“Um, Mom. You have fifteen sweatshirts for yard work.”

“I know, but this one has a picture of a tree on the front. I’ll take it!”

This winter, look out the window at the snow. Think about how to re-work that rock garden…or maybe just look for squirrels.

While the winter wind blows, cuddle up next to the wood stove, snuggle with a friend, or find a spot to nap in the sunshine.

Being indoors means more togetherness but, as one might guess, the introverts do NOT like their bubble being encroached upon.

Togetherness is sometimes okay, however, as LONG AS YOU DON’T TRY TO TAKE MY TREAT.

So, my dear friends, let us take time to enjoy this winter season. After all, there are NO gnats, NO mosquitoes, and NO horse flies to buzz around our faces. The air is fresh, and we can walk the dog in the afternoon and not worry about the heat and humidity sapping our strength.

And when we get back we can all relax and get cozy.

Okay, now let's finish this up and all go outside. Take deep breaths. Look up at the trees and imagine being at the top. Put some snow on your face and wonder at the coldness. Listen to the birds singing, and hum a few lines along with them.

Look at everything around you as if you are seeing it for the very first time, or the very last.

Appreciate what we have this very day. Treasure the tiny snowflake as much as the sparkling ice castle. Be present in every moment that we have on this earth.

Make it a true WINTER WONDER-LAND!


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