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Soaking Up the Spring

Hello my friends.

I write to you as I soak up sunshine on the front deck, and just two weeks ago I would have been lying in snow! Spring has sprung and, although we all know how it can sputter and snizzle, still I think the entire town is giving a collective sigh of relief. The hope has been ignited. The end of winter is clearly in sight.

It was not a great February for me. I guess the most polite way to say it would be, "It wasn't my favorite." Our walks were not only shortened, but they also involved booties and jackets and plucky resolve. The plucky resolve I give to my mom, as it was her decision to take us out, but Ellie and I deserve some credit as we were the ones in the booties. If I have worn booties in the past, I cannot recall the time so again I can only repeat, "It wasn't my favorite."

Ah, but that is behind us now. Mom told me that now the only booties heading down the road in the weeks and months going forward would be our tail-adorned ones or her sweatpants-covered one. And that is music to my doggy ears.

Spring is that magical time of the year where you know that, for as far ahead as you can see, things will only be getting greener and warmer and brighter.

I, for one, am as happy to shed the cold and darkness as I was to see the booties get packed back into the tub labeled "Winter."

Spring, oh wonderful spring, how we have all been waiting for you.

Since I last touched base with you all, other things have been happening that seem to make my humans happy. More and more members of the family and extended family are rubbing their arms and putting their "Vaccine Card" into their wallets. My mom has been taking Grandpa for drives in the countryside, and there's talk of WHEN, not IF, bookclub and bunco could start back up. Now THAT is something that makes me happy, too, because there is nothing I like better than to lie in the middle of a sea of ladies' legs and wait for someone to reach down and pet me.

So, my friends, Just a few words from me today but I wanted to check in. To encourage you. To share fresh sheets on the line, tulips poking their noses up, and disappearing piles of snow.

With love from the sunny front deck,



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